Quality Education: 3 R's and 3P's for the 21st Century
There's no substitute academically for building education on the age-old formula of the "3 R's." In our grandparents' generations, that stood for "Readin', Ritin' and "Rithmetic," although they obviously learned much better spelling skills than the slogan suggested.
Onward Christian Academy has a 21st Century formula of 3 P's to add:
- Promoting a Christian worldview via an excellent academic curriculum
- Providing an affordable education delivered by high-quality teachers
- Partnering with local church leaders and with Christian colleges
OCA's academics are ignited by the Ignitia program as our core curriculum. Developed and refined over many years by an all-star team of Christian educators and computer experts, Ignitia is the premier computer-based curriculum available today. It provides over 60 courses focusing on biblical principles, character building, critical thinking and communication skills, key disciplines that have disappeared from so many education systems. The Bible is not just an isolated subject, but is woven into the fabric of every course.
Although OCA is in its first year, our teaching staff has years of combined experience with guiding students through Christian computer-based curriculum studies.
Beyond the Ignitia courses, OCA offers unique learning resources including:
- The personal mentorship program bringing students and their own pastors together to facilitate Bible study credits.